Questions That Buyers Might Ask

The High D Buyer Dominant/Buyer
•Will it get results?
•Will it do what you say it will do?
•How will this product help me meet my goals?
•How will it improve my bottom line?
•Will it work now?
•What does it cost?
•What’s the value?
•What is your company’s record?
•How long have you been selling this?
•Are you sure you know what you’re talking about?
•How many have you sold?
•How fast can I get it?
•What will it do for my company?
•Is this the best you have to offer?
•How quickly will it be on line?
•Is this product up-to-date?
•If it doesn’t work, how will you fix it?
•What are the options?
•What are the probabilities?
•What are the results?
The High I Buyer Influencer/Expressive
•Will you sit down so we can talk about this?  Coffee?
•Can you tell me a little about yourself?  Your company?
•What kinds of premiums or incentives are available?
•Can you give me a special deal?
•What will it take for us to win the contest?
•I’m excited about the purchase.  Did you watch the game Sunday?
•Will my boss approve the product?
•How will it help me with the people I work with?
•What else uses this product?
•What do others say about the product?
•Is this the application of the product?
•Is this your best selling product?
•How soon can I tell my boss we’ll have it?
•When can I say it will be on line?
•Is this the newest on the market?
•Is this product well-accepted by others?  Who?
•What happens if I change my mind?
•Will you be the person I should call if something goes wrong?
•Who are you?
•Who do you know?
•Who uses your product or service?
The High “S” Buyer Steady/Relater
•Why should I change?  I’ve bought from XYZ for years with good service. (New Customer)
•What’s the price?  I always buy on your recommendations.  (Old Customer)
•Why have you changed the product (or service)?  I was getting used to it the way it was.
•Can I still get the old version?
•If I buy today, can I be sure of delivery in three months?
•Can you call me back in a week?  I’d like to check with some other people.
•How long has this been on the market?
•Is this your most reliable product?
•How soon can my people learn to use it?
•Will it provide the same quality as the old version?
•Will this reduce tension in my department?
•What’s the best way to get my people involved with this product?
•Has anyone had trouble with this product?
•If something goes wrong, what do I do?
•Will it disrupt our way of doing things?
•Can you meet with some other members of my team to explain the product?
Why is your product best?
Why should I change?
Why should I do it now?
The High “C” Buyer Competent/Compliant
•Who has used (or tested) this product before?
•Can you tell me more?  I still don’t see how this works.
•Who makes this product?
•How is it made?
•How long have you been making it?
•Can you tell me about the warranty?
•Who will pay for delivery?
•How much does the extended warranty cost?
•How can you be sure that this will have the same quality as the previous model?
•Can I see the test results?
•Can I think about it and get back with you?
•How soon must I decide?  I need time to read your material.
•Will you be able to follow my exact specifications?
•Is this your best value for the money?
•How soon will it pay for itself?
•Will it do the job right?
•If it doesn’t work, how do I get my money back?
•Will it fit within my established procedures and guidelines?
•Can you put your offer in writing?
How can this product meet my needs?
How does it work?
How can I be sure?
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