How to Influence and Sell Buyers of This Style

Build Credibility For Yourself
The High “D” Buyer Dominant/Buyer
 •Let them know you value your time.
•Be sure of yourself; use straightforward communication.
•Be confident.
•Demonstrate results.
•Inform the buyer of your personal and corporate qualifications.
•Stress why your product or service will help the buyer and meet his or her objectives.
•Be prepared to show proof of results.
•Demonstrate Value.
•Learn and study their goals and objectives.
•Be prepared and well-organized.
•Be professional and businesslike.
•Be brief, direct, and fast-paced, and get to the point quickly.  “What’s the bottom line?”
•Hit the buyer quickly and hard, because High Ds are decisive and act on impulse.
•Suggest solutions and clearly defined and agreed upon consequences as well as rewards that relate to the buyer’s goals.
•Clarify risks and probabilities.
•Provide options.
The High “I” Buyer Influencer/Expressive
•Give special attention and be interested and enthusiastic, without dominating the discussion.
•Affirm the buyers’ dream and goals.
•Stress how your product or service will make the buyer look good or provide attention and recognition.
•Inform the buyer of your personal and corporate reputation.
•Provide plenty of follow-up.
•Appeal to the buyer’s affinity for the new, the special, the novel.
•Indicate that the buyer will be the first to use the product or service.
•Focus on the product’s prestige and reputation.
•Give testimonials of “experts”.
•Sell the sizzle as well as the steak; present with style.
•Involve the buyer in the selling process; solicit his/her ideas and opinions.
•Be open to topics the buyer introduces.
•Stress the special or novel aspects of the product or service.
•Illustrate the ideas with anecdotes and emotional descriptions.
•Clearly summarize detail and direct the buyer toward mutually agreeable objectives and action steps.
•Encourage the purchase decision by offering incentives
The High “S” Buyer Steady/Relater
•Sell yourself first.  You must win the High S as a friend.
•Take a sincere, personal interest in the buyer as a person.
•Take the time to build a relationship; find common interests.
•Develop trust, friendship, and credibility slowly.
•Focus on your reliability and loyalty.
•Communicate regularly; make repeat visits.
•Talk security, service, safety, dependability, backup.
•Emphasize that the product or service won’t disrupt the way things are done or have been done.
•Focus on why the product should be used
•Emphasize proven products.
The High “C” Buyer Competent/Compliant
•Greet cordially and get right to the task.  Don’t begin with personal or social talk.
•Demonstrate your expertise – your knowledge of the product or service, the process, the industry.
•Follow through and deliver what you promise.
•Use comparative data-research statistics, test results, and the like.
•Appeal to logic, showing facts and benefits.
•Use detailed, documented evidence supporting product or service claims.
•Stress quality and reliability, and be able to show precedent – to appeal to the buyer’s caution.
Structure your Presentation to Fit This Style
The High “S” Buyer Steady/Relater
•Don’t move too fast.  High S’s can handle change, but at their own pace.
•Avoid high-pressure tactics.
•Don’t appear to create problems for the buyer or let your product or service seem to threaten the buyer or his/her standing with the company.
•Give reassurances that the buyer is making the right decision and assurances that all promises will be kept.
•Stress reliability, service and safety.
•Identify the buyer’s emotional needs as well as the task or business expectations.
•Provide plenty of proof and statistics, and give the buyer a chance to digest facts.
The High “C” Buyer Competent/Compliant
•Be logical, factual and detailed in your presentation.
•Be precise and technically correct in response to the buyer’s detailed questions.
•Ask questions that reveal a clear direction and that fit into the overall scheme of things.
•Answer all questions carefully.
•Deal with objections completely.
•Stress reliability and safety to minimize risk.
•Give the buyer time to think.
•Follow up with a written proposal; the High C buyer will usually require it.
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