Buyer Presentation Tips

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Why Coaching & Training

Every top athlete has a coach. A coach will help you shorten the process of a successful real estate career. They will guide you through the process to avoid any costly mistakes. The benefits of coaching are many, 80% of people who receive coaching report increased confidence, quicker results and faster progress. Over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.

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Contract Escrow and Title

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What to bring on the buyer presentation

For a success buyer presentation here’s one of them
1) Bring a list of off market properties…
On all appointments bring at least 5 off market properties and 5 on market.

Buyers are getting online all on-market properties and we are booking more appointments when we say they are going to get off market properties.  “Homes they can’t find anywhere.”
I’ve been on appointments where the buyer would say I’ve seen all those homes but what saved me and got them to sign a VIP is I had 5 other properties that were off market.  I even wrote up offers on the off market houses too.  We can chat about what to do on how writing up offers on off market listings.
The buyer moved forward with me by signing a VIP and then I sold them a home.
Let’s go sell big!
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3 Top daily activities you must be doing to sell 3-4 per month!

3 Simply Steps to your daily activities that will make YOU money.

1) Following up with your buyers profiles.  Ensuring you are getting the buyer the properties they want and desire.  The way to do this is go to and login to our master account ydelgdav and see if the buyer are checking their automatic emails.  Also, check the searchhomesinwhittier website. That website, you will see what homes they are viewing most.

2) Property searches.  What you do here is going to separate you from the average agent and you being a super star producer.  Knowing the market, you got to know what homes are not selling and why?

3) Call the buyers to let them know about the homes you found on the market.  Your communication to the buyer about the opportunity you discovered and if they would like a private showing.

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Changing your paradigm

Changing your paradigm

In order to get to the next level in your real estate career, you have to make a dramatic shift in the way you view it.

Your paradigm is a “box” of your own making.  Inside this box are all your beliefs and preconceptions; all your experiences, biases and mindsets: what your parents taught you, what your friends taught you, everything you’ve read or done, and all the mistakes you’ve made (or have been afraid to make).

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Strategies for Dealing With Different Buyers

If You Are A High “D”…
To Sell to a:                      Use This Strategy
High D                                Just be yourself, but don’t be overbearing.  You can have only one king of the mountain, and the High D buyer is it.
High I                                 Be more friendly than usual.  Be willing to digress and chat a bit more than you normally do.
High S                                 Slow down, and back off a bit.  The S may be intimidated by your strong personality.  Give assurances, and present details.  Give the S a chance to digest the facts.
High C                              Offer plenty of proof and facts.  Answer all objectives fully.  Don’t be pushy or move too fast.

If You Are A High “I”…
High D                              Don’t make small talk or tell jokes.  Be very businesslike, and don’t waste time.  Stress results.
High I                               Remember to ask for the order.
High S                             Don’t get too friendly until you have earned trust.  Provide plenty of facts.
High C                            Don’t socialize.  Provide plenty of facts, figures and proof.  Answer questions fully and carefully.  Don’t waste time.  Make sure you’ve done your homework.
If You Are A High “S”…
High D                            Try to be more assertive and confident in your sales pitch.  Don’t be intimidated by the strong-will, challenging D.
High I                               You may not like the overly-friendly I, particularly if he/she is a time waster.  Overall, however, you will get along fairly well.  Let the I talk, but keep control of the meeting’s direction.
High S                               Provide assurances.  Don’t forget to move to closure.
High C                              Don’t be intimidated by the C’s challenges and skepticism.  Your style of not moving too quickly will appeal to C.
If You Are A High “C”…
High D                              Don’t overwhelm the D with all these facts & figures.  Just hit the high points, concentrate on results & achievements of goals.
High I                               Resist the urge to lay all those facts on the I.  Be willing to chat.  Show enthusiasm.
High S                              Don’t talk too fast.  Give the S time to digest the facts.  Don’t be too businesslike and factual.  Let the S talk about the family.
High C                             You’ll see eye to eye.  The C will appreciate your thoroughness and your pace.
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How to Influence and Sell Buyers of This Style

Build Credibility For Yourself
The High “D” Buyer Dominant/Buyer
 •Let them know you value your time.
•Be sure of yourself; use straightforward communication.
•Be confident.
•Demonstrate results.
•Inform the buyer of your personal and corporate qualifications.
•Stress why your product or service will help the buyer and meet his or her objectives.
•Be prepared to show proof of results.
•Demonstrate Value.
•Learn and study their goals and objectives.
•Be prepared and well-organized.
•Be professional and businesslike.
•Be brief, direct, and fast-paced, and get to the point quickly.  “What’s the bottom line?”
•Hit the buyer quickly and hard, because High Ds are decisive and act on impulse.
•Suggest solutions and clearly defined and agreed upon consequences as well as rewards that relate to the buyer’s goals.
•Clarify risks and probabilities.
•Provide options.
The High “I” Buyer Influencer/Expressive
•Give special attention and be interested and enthusiastic, without dominating the discussion.
•Affirm the buyers’ dream and goals.
•Stress how your product or service will make the buyer look good or provide attention and recognition.
•Inform the buyer of your personal and corporate reputation.
•Provide plenty of follow-up.
•Appeal to the buyer’s affinity for the new, the special, the novel.
•Indicate that the buyer will be the first to use the product or service.
•Focus on the product’s prestige and reputation.
•Give testimonials of “experts”.
•Sell the sizzle as well as the steak; present with style.
•Involve the buyer in the selling process; solicit his/her ideas and opinions.
•Be open to topics the buyer introduces.
•Stress the special or novel aspects of the product or service.
•Illustrate the ideas with anecdotes and emotional descriptions.
•Clearly summarize detail and direct the buyer toward mutually agreeable objectives and action steps.
•Encourage the purchase decision by offering incentives
The High “S” Buyer Steady/Relater
•Sell yourself first.  You must win the High S as a friend.
•Take a sincere, personal interest in the buyer as a person.
•Take the time to build a relationship; find common interests.
•Develop trust, friendship, and credibility slowly.
•Focus on your reliability and loyalty.
•Communicate regularly; make repeat visits.
•Talk security, service, safety, dependability, backup.
•Emphasize that the product or service won’t disrupt the way things are done or have been done.
•Focus on why the product should be used
•Emphasize proven products.
The High “C” Buyer Competent/Compliant
•Greet cordially and get right to the task.  Don’t begin with personal or social talk.
•Demonstrate your expertise – your knowledge of the product or service, the process, the industry.
•Follow through and deliver what you promise.
•Use comparative data-research statistics, test results, and the like.
•Appeal to logic, showing facts and benefits.
•Use detailed, documented evidence supporting product or service claims.
•Stress quality and reliability, and be able to show precedent – to appeal to the buyer’s caution.
Structure your Presentation to Fit This Style
The High “S” Buyer Steady/Relater
•Don’t move too fast.  High S’s can handle change, but at their own pace.
•Avoid high-pressure tactics.
•Don’t appear to create problems for the buyer or let your product or service seem to threaten the buyer or his/her standing with the company.
•Give reassurances that the buyer is making the right decision and assurances that all promises will be kept.
•Stress reliability, service and safety.
•Identify the buyer’s emotional needs as well as the task or business expectations.
•Provide plenty of proof and statistics, and give the buyer a chance to digest facts.
The High “C” Buyer Competent/Compliant
•Be logical, factual and detailed in your presentation.
•Be precise and technically correct in response to the buyer’s detailed questions.
•Ask questions that reveal a clear direction and that fit into the overall scheme of things.
•Answer all questions carefully.
•Deal with objections completely.
•Stress reliability and safety to minimize risk.
•Give the buyer time to think.
•Follow up with a written proposal; the High C buyer will usually require it.
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Questions That Buyers Might Ask

The High D Buyer Dominant/Buyer
•Will it get results?
•Will it do what you say it will do?
•How will this product help me meet my goals?
•How will it improve my bottom line?
•Will it work now?
•What does it cost?
•What’s the value?
•What is your company’s record?
•How long have you been selling this?
•Are you sure you know what you’re talking about?
•How many have you sold?
•How fast can I get it?
•What will it do for my company?
•Is this the best you have to offer?
•How quickly will it be on line?
•Is this product up-to-date?
•If it doesn’t work, how will you fix it?
•What are the options?
•What are the probabilities?
•What are the results?
The High I Buyer Influencer/Expressive
•Will you sit down so we can talk about this?  Coffee?
•Can you tell me a little about yourself?  Your company?
•What kinds of premiums or incentives are available?
•Can you give me a special deal?
•What will it take for us to win the contest?
•I’m excited about the purchase.  Did you watch the game Sunday?
•Will my boss approve the product?
•How will it help me with the people I work with?
•What else uses this product?
•What do others say about the product?
•Is this the application of the product?
•Is this your best selling product?
•How soon can I tell my boss we’ll have it?
•When can I say it will be on line?
•Is this the newest on the market?
•Is this product well-accepted by others?  Who?
•What happens if I change my mind?
•Will you be the person I should call if something goes wrong?
•Who are you?
•Who do you know?
•Who uses your product or service?
The High “S” Buyer Steady/Relater
•Why should I change?  I’ve bought from XYZ for years with good service. (New Customer)
•What’s the price?  I always buy on your recommendations.  (Old Customer)
•Why have you changed the product (or service)?  I was getting used to it the way it was.
•Can I still get the old version?
•If I buy today, can I be sure of delivery in three months?
•Can you call me back in a week?  I’d like to check with some other people.
•How long has this been on the market?
•Is this your most reliable product?
•How soon can my people learn to use it?
•Will it provide the same quality as the old version?
•Will this reduce tension in my department?
•What’s the best way to get my people involved with this product?
•Has anyone had trouble with this product?
•If something goes wrong, what do I do?
•Will it disrupt our way of doing things?
•Can you meet with some other members of my team to explain the product?
Why is your product best?
Why should I change?
Why should I do it now?
The High “C” Buyer Competent/Compliant
•Who has used (or tested) this product before?
•Can you tell me more?  I still don’t see how this works.
•Who makes this product?
•How is it made?
•How long have you been making it?
•Can you tell me about the warranty?
•Who will pay for delivery?
•How much does the extended warranty cost?
•How can you be sure that this will have the same quality as the previous model?
•Can I see the test results?
•Can I think about it and get back with you?
•How soon must I decide?  I need time to read your material.
•Will you be able to follow my exact specifications?
•Is this your best value for the money?
•How soon will it pay for itself?
•Will it do the job right?
•If it doesn’t work, how do I get my money back?
•Will it fit within my established procedures and guidelines?
•Can you put your offer in writing?
How can this product meet my needs?
How does it work?
How can I be sure?
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How to Identify a High “C” Buyer

High C buyers will work in neat, orderly offices.
•In most cases, their desks will be clean.
•They will be prepared for the visit, on time, and will have read any advance material.
•The atmosphere will be business-like, but unhurried and deliberate, but they may be suspicious of you and your products.
•They will exhibit precise, restrained manner but will be courteous and diplomatic.
•They will be a stickler for accuracy & thoroughness, process-oriented, with emphasis on detailed organization.
•They are not innovators.
•They will not readily try out new & innovative technology.
•They will dress conservatively and unobtrusively.  They don’t want their outfits to call attention to them.
The High C’s Expectations
•High C buyers expect the sales call to move at a pace that provides them with just enough time to consider thoughtfully the key points.
•They will want you to present all the facts you have at your disposal and will want the time to think about the data before making a decision.
•They want guarantees and assurances that they will be made whole if something goes sour.
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How to Identify a High “S” Buyer

High S buyers will usually have pictures on the office wall – not only of themselves, but also of spouse, children and possessions like house, boat, etc.
•They will most likely have a name plate on the door or desk, or both.
•Although they appear easy-going and personable, they are very security conscious and possessive, so be careful what you touch.
•They resist sudden change.
•They like proven, traditional concepts.
•They will be sincere, open, amiable, and relationship-oriented, after an initial shyness.
•They need to be able to trust you.
•You can’t judge a book by its cover: dress will be varied, ranging from frumpy to high style.
The High S’s Expectations
•High S buyers expect you to take time to develop the relationship – to be willing to build a personal as well as a business relationship.
•They want to make fairly slow, deliberate progress.
•They expect you to present the benefits of your product or service in terms of why it is the best solution to their problem.
•They want guarantees and assurances, since they are not assertive risk takers.
•They make decisions cautiously, and they want others to affirm those decisions.
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How to Identify a High “I” Buyer

High I buyers are friendly, people-oriented folks who usually would rather talk and socialize than do detail work.
•They will have awards, certificates, trophies, and photos featured on the wall.
•You’ll know who lives there, and the ego will be evident.
•They will be glad to see you arrive; they will trade jokes & stories, and won’t want to discuss business too much.
•They talk a lot about themselves.
•They will interrupt & digress occasionally, but they are generally enthusiastic and receptive, particularly if your product or service is innovative and the latest.
•They will be well-dressed, generally in the latest style.
The High I’s Expectations
•High I buyers expect you to be tolerant of their casual use of time.
•They aren’t clock-watchers and don’t want you to be either.
•Once they make a decision, they want quick results.
•They like to know who they’re dealing with.
•They want to know what you think and about how you feel about things.
•They expect you to support them personally.
•They like positive feedback that helps them relate to you personally.
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How to Identify a High “D” Buyer

High D buyers come on strong, often testing a seller by applying pressure early in the relationship to see what the reaction will be.
•Frequently, the High D buyer will run late and may appear rude when first approached.
•During the sales call, the High D may interrupt you, take calls, read letters, and give instructions to his or her secretary, all the time saying something like, “Keep talking. I’m listening.”
The High D’s Expectations
•High D’s expect sellers to adopt a businesslike attitude.
•They have a job to do, and they prefer to concentrate on that.
•They expect sellers to make efficient use of their time.
•They tend to be busy people who operate from schedules and lists of things to do.
•They like to see that they are making progress.
•They want you to provide them with evidence early in the process.
•They want to deal with someone who is competent and self-confident.
•They expect you to present your product or services in terms of how it will solve their problems.
•They aren’t afraid to take risks, but they expect you to provide them with probabilities associated with the risk.
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The Secret of Successful Selling

•The Platinum Rule – The secret is to sell to prospects the way THEY want to be sold to.
•Obviously, the perfect salesperson doesn’t exist.  Each person sells differently, and certainly more than one sales style can be effective.
•Each of us has a distinctive personal style that’s based on our unique personality, and we tend to use it most of the time in sales situations.
•As sales people, we tend to “sell to ourselves”, making points and behaving in a manner that would lead us to buy.
3 out of 4 Sales Pitches are Misguided
•Psychologists tell us that the average salesperson, using his or her own sales style, tends to make the wrong sales approach three out of four calls!
•Why?  Because our prospects are as individual as fingertips, and their behavioral styles may differ drastically from ours.
•Successful sales people must be experts at diagnosing ALL components of a selling situation: the market, the competition, the timing, the corporate culture, and especially the buyer.
Personality Impacts the Way
Sellers and Buyers Communicate
•Our objective here is to look at one particular facet of selling: how personality impacts the way sellers and buyers communicate with each other.
•We can generally view any sales effort from two broad dimensions:
Process (prospecting, preliminaries, presentation, commitment, follow-up)
Approach (how we implement process)
•The process seldom varies.  However, the approach ALWAYS varies depending on the selling situation and personality type of the prospect.
Step Inside the Buyer’s Shoes
The secret is to learn to sell people ____________
_______________________.  We must recognize the buyers’ temperaments so that we can adapt our approach to suit each buyer’s individual behavioral style.  We must react to the total situation – and that includes the buyer’s personality.
•Handout Exercise:                                 The Personal Concept
Identifying Your Strengths
And Knowing Your Weaknesses
As Well As Your Prospects
Instructions For Scoring
•1.  Count all the Most D’s which you marked.  Record the total in the block above, next to D (Dominance) and under M (Most).  Next, count all the Least D’s which you marked and record the total in the block above, next to D (Dominance) and under L (Least).
•2.  Repeat this for I,S, and C.
•3.  Subtract the Least from the Most to get the result of the Average column.  If the Most is larger than Least, then the Average will be a plus answer.  If the Least is larger than the Most, the the Average column will be a negative answer.
•4.  The four lines on the graphs are DISC, respectively.  There are separate graphs for Male and Female, so plot your scores on the correct one.  Make a small circle around the appropriate number on the appropriate graph (if you do not find the exact number, interpolate) and are plotted on the (L) graph; the Most on the (M) graph, and the Average on the (A) graph.
     IMPORTANT:  The L column, the Private Concept is the Real You.  The M column, the Projected Concept, is the mask you wear, if any, and The A column, the Public Concept, is the average of the other two.  The graph in the Average column can be thought of as the behavior a casual acquaintances might observe on a given day, and presume to be the real you.
The purpose of this section, “Understanding Yourself and Then Others”, is to give you a better understanding of your own “Personal Concept” (behavior).  With this understanding, hopefully you can go on to better understand your leadership style, your impact on others, behavior components of various jobs, and perhaps most importantly – to learn how to hire the right people.
In your life you may play many roles, such as the “worker”, “parent”, “customer”, “athlete”, “lover”, and so on and you will many times create a different impression in each one.
But people do not seem to go through life consciously and deliberately faking.  Psychologists who studied people as they went from role to role found that most subjects felt they were presenting true and accurate pictures of themselves from moment to moment.  Apparently, individuals are capable of wide ranges of behavior, depending on the context.  They may appear dominant and powerful in one setting and weak and submissive in another.  Yet, in all settings, people usually FEEL that they are honest and authentic.  The implication is that people have many potential ways of acting that are often inconsistent and unrelated to one another.  At any particular moment they are aware of only small numbers of these ways and are thereby to feel true to themselves.  People are convinced by their momentary thoughts and actions that they truly are what they seem to be.  In effect, human beings tend to believe their own performance.
Private Concept
The idea that all people are acting a good deal of the time is not hard to accept.  But it is hard to accept that they are acting ALL the time.  Surely, there is a person behind the act, a person who is being more of less truthful about him/herself.
But what is the true self?  Psychologists have found this question difficult to answer.  They have learned, however, that the way a person views him/herself – his/her Private Concept – is affected by the performance she/he puts on and by the reactions other people have to those performances.
It appears that many people are only able to see themselves through the eyes of others.  It is therefore not hard to see why they have such a strong need for social approval.  If they find themselves the frequent object of disapproval, they must inevitably think badly of themselves (Private Concept).  To avoid such disapproval, they may behave the way they think others expect them to behave (Projected Concept).
When people put on performances, they often deceive themselves as well as their audiences.  If someone tries to impress others with how intelligent and reliable she/he is and they react favorably, she/he will start thinking she/he is smart, even though she/he may have previously have felt that he/she was not very bright.  This behavior, observed by a casual acquaintance on a given day, we call the Public Concept.
In addition, people usually try to fit their Private Concept and their Roles (mask) together.  For example, a person who sees himself as a quiet, studious type will try to find an occupation – such as a librarian – that fits the image.  He will then act even more like a quiet, studious person because he feels that such behavior is expected of a librarian.
Why are people so interested in controlling and managing their impressions?  The primary motive for this kind of behavior is the need for approval.  Acting in ways designed to gain approval fulfills an individual’s need for security and acceptance.  If a person abandons his “mask”, she/he may face exclusion from certain areas of society.  Many people feel that to “fit in” it becomes absolutely necessary to maintain a “front”.  For instance, a secretary who hates every boring minute at her typewriter may smile at her boss and act compliantly in hope of being promoted.  In order to gain approval of her boss, she feels she must play the role of a happy, competent employee – her PROJECTED CONCEPT.
Naturally, the secretary who behaves “properly” on the job may change her act the minute she leaves the office.  Her work audience will probably never see how she behaves with her close friends and associates.  There is, in other words, an inconsistency in her performance.  In order to avoid a mix up, she is careful to keep her two audiences separated.  The important thing is that in both situations, work and play, she is giving the performance she feels will gain approval from the people around her.
Forming Impressions of Others
It takes people very little time to make judgments  about one another, even on the basis of the most limited contact.  The impressions two people form of one another nevertheless influence the future of their relationships.  If a stranger appears deep and interesting, he or she may be a candidate for future interaction.  People tend to be particularly sympathetic to someone who seems shy, to expect a lot from someone who impresses them as intelligent, and to be wary of one who strikes them as aggressive.
Forming an impression of a person who is not a passive process in which certain characteristics are the input and a certain impression is  is the automatic outcome.  If impressions varied only when input varied, then everyone meeting a particular stranger would form the same impression of him, which, of course, is not what happens.  One individual may judge a newcomer to be “quiet”, another might judge the same person to be “dull”, and still another person might think the newcomer “mysterious”.  These various impressions lead to different expectations of the newcomer and to different patterns of interaction with him/her as well.
One reason that different people develop different impressions of the same stranger is that they form their impressions on the basis of of their own biases – their own set of prejudiced assumptions about how people behave.  Everyone has definite ideas about the behavior of others.  For example, some people tend to distrust those who talk a lot.  Their bias is, “People who talk a lot are superficial.”  Others assume that attractively dressed people are good workers.  Their bias is, “People who take good care of their appearance are likely to be thorough about other things too.”
People are always making guesses, judgments and predictions about one another on the basis of limited information.  As a result, they are sometimes highly accurate in their judgments and at other times inaccurate or completely in error.  The methods they use to make their judgments are generalization, stereotyping and emphasis on certain central traits.
Judgments of others are often inaccurate because they are broad generalizations based on only a few factors.  The more general the judgment, the more necessary are specific facts in order for the judgment to be accurate.
Judgments of an emotional state – a person’s condition at a particular moment – are easiest to make.  If someone approaches you shaking a fist and shouting, you can be fairly confident in judging that he is angry.  If this same person makes a frequent habit of carrying on this way, you may judge him to be hostile or aggressive.  Aggressiveness is a trait, an enduring aspect of a person’s behavior.  Having judged a person as aggressive, you may predict that he is likely not to take things lying down, that he frequently gets into squabbles, and that he may even get violent if provoked.
If you see a great deal of aggressiveness in a person, coupled with a great interest in the welfare of his friends, you might describe him as a passionate individual.  A person’s behavior is a composite of all his traits.  By knowing a person’s type; i.e., DOMINANT, INFLUENTIAL, STEADY or COMPLIANT, you may feel confident in making very general judgments about his/her behavior.
Quite often people categorize others on the basis of their clothes, style of speech, occupation, or other such small bits of information.  Once a person has been “labeled”, she/he is considered to have the characteristics associated with that category. This process is called STEREOTYPING.  The predictions made about the individual person on the basis can be seriously in error.
The errors that result from stereotypes have had widespread effects in American society.  Most people have had to face the fact that they have prejudiced someone else on the basis of race, religion or sex.  But stereotypes exist at the personal level, too.  A person may for some reason feel that all people with black hair are romantic.  Another person may categorize all people who criticize him as “destructive” types.
Stereotyping is a way of simplifying the task of making judgments about people.  This tendency to simplify causes what psychologists call the “HALO EFFECT”.  Once you have decided that a person is good, for example, it is then very difficult to see anything bad about him.  On the other hand, if you feel negatively toward him, you may find it extremely difficult to see his good points.
Central Traits / Conclusion
Central Traits
Central traits seem to weigh heavily in people’s judgment of one another.  For example, judging a person warm or cold might have a significant effect on what other traits he will appear to have.  One thinks quite differently about the generosity of someone who is friendly and outgoing than one does about someone who is blunt and rude.
It is obvious that people often make mistakes in forming impressions of one another.  Impressions are only educated guesses about how people are likely to behave, and as a result, they often have to be  changed as a person gets to know another person better.  The “Biases” that one uses to make judgments about people change, too, as one learns more through observing and listening.  Psychologists have found that people tend to judge others with the same assumptions and categories that they use to judge themselves.  The implication is, therefore, that by learning more about oneself, on can learn to judge others more accurately.
The expressed purpose of “Understanding Yourself and Others” is to aid in this self-understanding.  The better we know our own behavior, the more consistent we will be in our interpersonal and supervisory relationships.
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