How to Identify a High “D” Buyer

High D buyers come on strong, often testing a seller by applying pressure early in the relationship to see what the reaction will be.
•Frequently, the High D buyer will run late and may appear rude when first approached.
•During the sales call, the High D may interrupt you, take calls, read letters, and give instructions to his or her secretary, all the time saying something like, “Keep talking. I’m listening.”
The High D’s Expectations
•High D’s expect sellers to adopt a businesslike attitude.
•They have a job to do, and they prefer to concentrate on that.
•They expect sellers to make efficient use of their time.
•They tend to be busy people who operate from schedules and lists of things to do.
•They like to see that they are making progress.
•They want you to provide them with evidence early in the process.
•They want to deal with someone who is competent and self-confident.
•They expect you to present your product or services in terms of how it will solve their problems.
•They aren’t afraid to take risks, but they expect you to provide them with probabilities associated with the risk.
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